PDF Version: Reducing Student Alienation and School-Age Bullying: Two Papers
by Martin H. Levinson and Katherine Liepe-Levinson
These two papers by New York City educators Martin H. Levinson, Ph.D., and his wife, Katherine Liepe-Levinson, Ph.D., apply general semantics to two social issues that pervade middle and high schools -- student alienation and Bullying.
A General Semantics Curriculum to Reduce Alienation
Martin Levinson’s 17-page paper, “A General Semantics Curriculum to Reduce Alienation” provides a complete 12-lesson curriculum that resulted from his research with 8th- and 9th-graders in New York City public schools.
A General Semantics Approach to School-Age Bullying
The second paper, “A General Semantics Approach to School-Age Bullying” by both Martin and Katherine, addresses a detailed 4-step process to deal with bullying. Searchable PDF. 34 pages. 13MB filesize.