PDF Version: ETC: A Review of General Semantics 58:4 (Winter 2001-2002)
PDF Version: ETC: A Review of General Semantics 58:4 (Winter 2001-2002)
ETC: A Review of General Semantics
58:4 (Winter 2001-2002)
Download a searchable PDF of this issue, featuring:
Special Section:
"General Semantics in Journalism: Introduction" by Don Ranly
"GS Goes to Journalism School" by MaryJo Sylwester, Marianne Wilson, Jeffrey S. Brooks, Benjie Hughes, and Kristie McClanahan
"Haiku" by Philip Vassallo
"The Word 'Is Not' the Bird" by Nora Miller
"The Word 'Is' the Thing: The 'Kotodama' Belief in Japanese Communication, Part II" by Kazuya Hara
The Accidental Bathtub Hoax:
"A Neglected Anniversary" by H. L. Mencken
"Koans of Time-Binding" by Brian H. Spitzberg
"Opening the Closed Mind: Making Assumptions, Jumping to Conclusions" by Sanford I. Berman
"Haiku" by Nora Miller
"General Semantics in the Supervision and Staff Development of Drug Prevention Specialists" by Martin H. Levinson
The Clone Chronicles:
"Baseball2270--The A's versus the Non-A's" by Paul Dennithorne Johnston
"GlimpseWinter2001-2002" by Nora Miller
"Membership Page" by Gregory Sawin
Metaphors in Action:
"A Brief History of Internet Time" by Raymond Gozzi, Jr.
Illustrating General Semantics:
"Governor Gerry Would Be Envious" by Robert Wanderer
"Educators Using General Semantics" by David F. Maas
Plus In This Issue, Abstractions, News & Notes, Books, and Retrospect.
Please note that the cover image is not included in the searchable PDF.