PDF Version: ETC: A Review of General Semantics 47:1 (Spring 1990)
PDF Version: ETC: A Review of General Semantics 47:1 (Spring 1990)
ETC: A Review of General Semantics
47:1 (Spring 1990)
Download a searchable PDF of this issue, featuring:
"On Being Afraid of Being Afraid" by Irving J. Lee
"'No Comment': The Art of Avoiding the Question" by Daniel McDonald
"Earthquake: San Francisco, 1989" by Paul Dennithorne Johnston
"System Proverbs" by Draper Kauffman
"Mental Illness for Beginners" by Lanny Beckman
"Semantic Pioneers Revisited" by W. Terrence Gordon
Media Supplement:
Definition: "Media" by Alan Bullock and Oliver Stallybass
Analysis: "The Messages of 'The Medium Is the Message" by Jay Rosen
Research: "Soaplore" by Deoborah Nagle Burks
Critique: "Network McNews: The Brave New World of Peter, Dan, Tom ... and Geraldo" by Art Silverman
Evidence: "FAX Art" by Cheryl Nufer
Story: "History of Philosophy" by Emery J. Inkle
Humor: "A Modern Bedtime Story" by Anonymous
Speculation: "Through the Virtual Looking Glass" by Seth Ceteras
Review: "Tetris: A Metaphor for Life" by Deborah Cabot Cofflin
"Membership Page" by Mary Morain
Illustrating General Semantics:
"A Verbal Illusion" by Michael Moore
Dynamics of Thought & Behavior:
"In Pursuit of Safer Driving" by Gregory Sawin
Science as Clear Thinking:
"A Matter of Taste" by Earl Hautala
General Semantics Foundations:
"Using General Semantics" by Milton Dawes
Plus Correspondence, Books, and other items.
Please note that the cover image is not included in the searchable PDF.