PDF Version: Communication 6:1 (April 1981)
PDF Version: Communication 6:1 (April 1981)
"'Logical Force' in Communication: A Symposium"
6:1 (April 1981) - Edited by W. Barnett Pearce
Made available for free download from the IGS Store with permission from Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc.
Download a searchable PDF of this issue, featuring:
"Logical Force in Interpersonal Communication: A New Concept of the 'Necessity' in Social Behavior" by Vernon E. Cronen and W. Barnett Pearce
"Logical Force in Interpersonal Communication: Parable or Pardigm?" by James R. Averill
"Logical Force as an Explanatory Locus" by Kenneth J. Gergen
"Logical Force, Not Quite Logical People, and the Pragmatics of Change" by Harold L. Raush
"The Location of Rules in the Explanation of Human Communication Cognitive, Situational or Cultural?" by T. J. Larkin and Donald P. Cushman
"A Response" by W. Barnett Pearce and Vernon E. Cronen
Plus Editor's Preface.