PDF Version: Communication 5:2 (September 1980)
PDF Version: Communication 5:2 (September 1980)
"Communication and Politics"
5:2 (September 1980) - Edited by Richard Fitchen
Made available for free download from the IGS Store with permission from Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc.
Download a searchable PDF of this issue, featuring:
"Communication Networks and Political Behavior" by Everett M. Rogers and Carlos P. B. Cavalcanti
"Political Communication: Information and Image Networks" by Dan Nimmo
"Information and Feedback as Alternative to Power Confrontations at the Grassroots" by Edward T. Hall
"Restricted and General Political Communiation Networks" by Murray Edelman
"Politics and Literature: Reflections on Theory and Text" by George A. Panichas
"Politics as Imagination" by Roberto Petrognani
"Election Communications and Image Politics in Japan" by Yasumasa Tanaka
"The Structure of Meaning: Transformational Linguistics and Politics" by H. L. Nieburg
"Who Speaks for the President? Problems of Control in Presidential Communication" by Colin Seymour-Ure
"The Range of Communications and the Shape of Social Organization" by Edward W. Fox
"Intellectuals in African Politics: Present Decline and Future Recovery: by Ali A. Mazrui
"Whose New International Economic and Information Order?" by Herbert I. Schiller
"Réflexions sur les Fonctions Politiques de Ia Presse Écrite, Parlée et Télévisée" by Alfred Grosser
"The Responsibility of the Mass Media in a Changing Political Environment" by Wolfgang R. Langenbucher
"Parliaments and Media -- Extension or Bypass?" by Richard Fitchen
Plus Editor's Preface.